I Don't Know

There are so many things I don't know.  This can sometimes be hard to admit as an adult, but those three little words are like magic.  They open the door to a thirst for understanding.

Last night I had an interesting conversation with a fundamentalist who is a friend and who I love and respect.  I realized that at some point during the conversation as we both explored some fairly deep existential questions, that they might be fearful to admit "I don't know".  It's OK, it can be a hard pill to swallow.  It seemed ironic though, because in some ways this represents a lack of faith in this present moment and the beauty of this gift of Now.  Ultimately, this unwillingness to budge seemed to me, to be rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown.  This isn't a judgement, but an observation and reflection of my own unwillingness to say "I don't know".  Fundamentalists are easy to pick on, but at some level we're all fundamentalists when we reach the place in our minds that we refuse to admit, "I don't know".  There are fundamentalists of every stripe in every field of thought.  At what point do we cross the line from Self assuredness to Self deception when we refuse to acknowledge these three simple words?  I don't know.

Here are some things I don't know:

I don't know what you are thinking right now.
I don't know what the temperature of the sun is at this very moment.
I don't know why the dog is barking across the street.
I don't know why money holds so much power over people.
I don't know when politicians are lying.
I don't know what will happen in the next 2 seconds.
I don't know if everything I ever cover on this blog is provable or will work for everyone.
(...it's just my personal exploration)

The truth is that in farthest bounds of science we're still expanding on this fragile view of reality, constantly knocking at this door of unknowing.

I do know that by refusing to admit this state of unknowing, I can't embrace the beauty and the possibility of NOW or be inspired to learn.
I do know that more I endeavor to know myself, the clearer I can see the world.
I do know that I have the power to choose,
To choose Love instead of fear.

In fact, even in my chosen field of music there are still things that I am learning every day.  I used to feel threatened by not knowing, or that I might feel like an idiot if I couldn't answer someone's question.  The truth is, it's OK, and this inspires me to search on and to view the world with wonder.

My hope is that I am always aware of the pride of "knowing", so that I won't become a fool... and even if I become a temporary expert, to always keep a beginner's mind.  The mind of a child.

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